Fear and Loathing Commentary
(too old to reply)
2005-10-04 04:22:23 UTC
I recently bought the andromeda dvds with this ep and its commentary but cant seem to find the commentary is there a secret to getting to it?

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Michael C. Hermit
2005-10-04 14:33:27 UTC
Post by RobedTrance
I recently bought the andromeda dvds with this ep and its commentary
but cant seem to find the commentary is there a secret to getting to
Now that I have finally settled on (I think) a permanent handle with
this email address, maybe I can delurk (somewhat) and offer some
assistance. Do a quick google search on "fear and loathing in the milky
way" dvd commentary. The commentary, though listed on your cover art,
isn't on the disc. I bought the season 1 box set, and it's not listed on
the cover of my 1.4 box.
Does your box art list who was supposed to be on commentary?

