In news:***,
80 Knight <nospam> typed, for some strange, unexplained reason:
: "WJR" <***> wrote in message
: news:v6Mgl.34$***@newsfe14.iad...
: > Just when I discover the existence of, seems the
: > "community" had breathed its last, long ago. :(
: Unfortunately, this group has been quite quiet since Andromeda went
: off the air. I have seen a lot of the previous regulars on the
: Battlestar Galactica group, but other then that, the Andromeda group
: has turned into a spammers group. The only reason I stay around is
: incase someone shows up who actually wants to talk about the show.
Well I still lurk, although as you say not a lot of activity. Still enjoy
watching the DVD's, have the complete box set of all 5 seasons, currently
just started S3. Anything you care to discuss..?