Post by Siegenthaler Kvapil 3rd"D00d, you're ON WEBTV...anything you say is pretty much an insult to
yourself, you couldn't even attempt to insult anybody else...even if
they were as deficient as you are. It'd be like a retard trying to make
fun of other retards for being retarded...I mean, YOU ARE RETARDED!"
I am goi<COCK SLAP>
Just LOOK at you, you're so fucking stupid you can't even respond to a
post on Usenet without fucking it all up. Knock, knock, hello, thread
continuity calling...geez, why are WebTV users so gawd damn Jesus
killing stupid? I mean, what is it like a prerequisite? Like is
there a stupid test they have to take? "Well sir you're not quite
dumb enough to be on WebTV, but here's a complimentary AOL CD for your
Post by Siegenthaler Kvapil 3rdto assume you are not just another perkoff sock puppet,
Oh didn't you hear, WebTV, EVERYONE on Usenet is really the same really, you best start breakin out the tin foil hat now
cause it's just gonna get that much worse for ya...stupid fuckin RL.
Post by Siegenthaler Kvapil 3rdand am going to ask the question again: What in the FUCK is this anti-webtv
trip with some of you people?
You're an RL...we're Netters...we don't like your kind around here.
It's as simple as that. It's like yer a foreigner visiting another
country only instead of just stopping by and checking out the sites
(ie a lurker), yer DUMBASS has decided to stick around permanently,
not learn the language, not learn the customs and generally just makes
a gawd damn ass of himself every chance he gets.
Post by Siegenthaler Kvapil 3rdDoes it really make any damn bit of
difference the service I use to post messages?
Yup, sure does. I have personally NEVER seen a WebTV user that has
been able to post without fucking up thread continuity at a bare
minimum offense...and you don't care, do you? I mean, you are *SO*
disrespectful and fuckwitted in regards to this culture that I bet it
didn't even blow through that great big empty expanse of a head of
yers, did it?
Post by Siegenthaler Kvapil 3rdIt sees that when someone
cannot come up with an answer to my posts, they go for the old "you're a
webtv user, therefore your opinion is worthless" routine, which is pure
D00d, yer like an illegal Mexican immigrant bitching about how you
should be able to vote. An illegal Mexican immigrants opinion (ie
wannabe vote) is worthless. You are a not a Netter, you are an RL,
your culture and your opinion have NOTHING to do with THIS culture and
therefore are WORTHLESS. It's like some parent bitching about
pornography on the Inet and how their kids might be exposed to it.
Fuckin hello, keep yer damn kids off the net, they don't belong here,
no one invited your stupid ass to come and try and push your small
minded, fuckwitted, inane culture onto an already established and
thriving society. To put it as bluntly as possibly...go fuck
yourself, WebTV. Maybe when you get a REAL computer you can come back
online with some semblance of self respect. Otherwise yer just a
fuckin retard whose shit himself and then starts bitching about how no
one can stand to be around you. I mean, YOU SHIT YOURSELF! Of COURSE
no one can stand to be around you, grow a fuckin brain you stupid
Trainable! `, (
Onideus Mad Hatter
mhm ¹ x ¹
Hatter Quotes
"I'm not a professional, I'm an artist."
"The more I learn the more I'm killing my idols."
"Is it wrong to incur and then use the hate ridden, vengeful stupidity
of complete strangers in random Usenet froups to further my art?"
"Freedom is only a concept, like race it's merely a social construct
that doesn't really exist outside of your ability to convince others
of its relevancy."
"Next time slow up a lil, then maybe you won't jump the gun and start
creamin yer panties before it's time to pop the champagne proper."
"Reality is directly proportionate to how creative you are."
"People are pretty fucking high on themselves if they think that
they're just born with a soul. *snicker*...yeah, like they're just
givin em out for free."
"Quible, quible said the Hare. Quite a lot of quibling...everywhere.
So the Hare took a long stare and decided at best, to leave the rest,
to their merry little mess."
"There's a difference between 'bad' and 'so earth shatteringly
horrible it makes the angels scream in terror as they violently rip
their heads off, their blood spraying into the faces of a thousand
sweet innocent horrified children, who will forever have the terrible
images burned into their tiny little minds'."
"How sad that you're such a poor judge of style that you can't even
properly gauge the artistic worth of your own efforts."
"Those who record history are those who control history."
"Is my .sig delimiter broken? Really? You're sure? Awww,
gee...that's too bad...for YOU!" `, )